
The title pretty much sums up my day. It was not a good one, and we have yet to see if the night will be or not - I have my doubts. It's probably partly my fault for staying up until 1am to finish reading Twilight - and starting out the day tired... but what was Liam's excuse? The past days have been going really well... but I'm noticing a disturbing trend, he's been sleeping less and less everyday during his naps. Today he did not want to sleep at all; he only could if I hovered over him the whole time waiting to put his paci back in and pat him until he could drift off for another 10 minutes - this is exhausting. When he was awake he pretty much only wanted to be held - kind of fun, but also somewhat exhausting. Also, he has learned how to use his voice to get what he wants - ie. he shrieks like a banshee constantly if I'm not holding/playing with him. We even got out of the house to get a change of scenery, but he was still restless. He was tired early of course, but woke up just a few minutes after we laid up down and cried and cried and wouldn't go back to sleep for another 45 minutes or so. I have my suspicions about the new formula (we switched to the cheap/generic "equivalent" to Enfamil). Needless to say, it was a very very long day... I don't feel like I'm doing the right thing by helping I don't know... ugh.
Even though Liam's been asleep for a while now, I'm still feeling somewhat desperate - and I feel bad for Todd, who comes home after a long day at work, only to find a haggard wife and grumpy baby and dirty house and no dinner... and doesn't say a word about it, God bless him.
I hate being negative on here, because I don't want to bring down anybody else - but GOSH... I could use some advice/help/encouragement/prayer... and some good sleep.

**Still waiting on that camera, even if Liam is a little bugger, he still is quite cute - so I'll make up for this bummer of a blog sooner of later with some cute pics.


  1. Oh Jess - some days are really hard...
    1)my boys always get clingy like that when they're teething- just a possibility
    2)how long have you tried the formula? it takes a few days for their bellies to adjust... that being said, he might just not like one brand - lucas liked walmart, but not target....
    3)don't feel so guilty about todd- it's really hard being home when you're not used to it - just thank him lots
    4)babies go in phases - it'll pass as quickly as it came and in the meantime- get yourself a little break - as in today- i'll email you

    love ya! you are doing a great job!

  2. You sound like you are doing a great job... listening to your baby... going though the check list.. ie. hungry, tired, diaper, cold, hot, too tired, sick?

    For me the answer for too tired, or sick or teeth is a little tylenol and rock-a-bye.

    At some point with Elijah and the "paci" issue... we just had to let him cry. 2min. then go in. 4 min. then go in 6 min. then go in, never had to go past the 8 min time and then I only had to do this for maybe a week or two and he learned to comfort himself and drift to sleep during the day with or without paci.
    Liam is healthy and heavy and old enough to cry a bit until you get him the paci or the bottle or to he rock/held a lot or .... whatever he is wanting over and over. He will learn to comfort himself. It is hard to listen to them cry but I just try to remember that "crying" is how they communicate and it is no different than an older kid or an adult, complaining, nagging or begging.... sometimes that needs to be ignored.

    But if you are uncomfortable with this or don't feel ready or don't think you should let him cry too long then that is ok. Every mom has to do what works and feels good to her.

    Also try to keep him on a really good schedule of eating and sleeping and playing.... seems to work great for both my boys... if I get off the schedule too far we start to have behavior or fussy problems or sleep problems.

    Much love too you and just remember there are TONS of us out here who are going though the same or similar issues every day.... every hour.. and there is lots of advice and support out there. Trust your gut and ALWAYS know it is more then ok to head to the porch for a few min of fresh air and recharge your mommy batteries... even if Liam is crying... if you aren't calm he won't be either.... if you are too frustrated it will be harder for him to calm down... always take a quick break if you need.

    As for the dirty house... WHO cares... you will have PLENTY of time to clean when your kids are older to make up for it. The Dinner... well either have him pick up something on the way or there are SO many great easy frozen dinners that come with everything and just take 10 min to whip up. Buy a few next time you are at the store and then when you are having a hard or tired day... as soon as Todd gets home... set him up with Liam and hurry to the kitchen you will be eating hot meal and relaxing together and you won't feel guilty. Works great for me.

    Take care. Keep your head up.

  3. Your mom is praying for you and feeling thankful for the encouragement, support and advice you are getting from other your mothers!

  4. Don't worry Jess, there are just days like that. Keep him on a schedule, give the new formula a couple of days and get your rest, that's important too! Jilli goes through grumpy phases and doesn't sleep well and then it gets better after a week or so- we often find a new tooth coming in after that and go, oh that's why she was fussy last week! :) Enjoy being home with him though, it really is the best.


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