Monthly: April 2022 & Easter

April was a busy month mainly because Liam did Track & Field - his two events were discus and shot-put, but practice was every day after school until 5:30, which meant either I stayed at school until that late, or more likely Todd or I drove back out there to pick him up. It often felt like we spent most of our time in the car! For Liam, and all the other kids who did track & field this season, it was a rough one only due to the weather - it may look nice, but it was bitingly cold and windy. It was a good experience for Liam though, and we were proud of him for trying something new!

Old Rippy dog

And then it was Easter! I love filling Easter Baskets - it's one of my favorite things.

We enjoyed church, then lunch at Nana and Poppa's house, and some egg-hunting!



Classic... Sunday naps for the boys

We celebrated Jen's birthday!

Any day that it was remotely nice, we tried to get out and enjoy it - spring was late to the party this year!

April 2022 Video


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