Monthly: October 2021 & Halloween

October was possibly the busiest month on record - it started with double birthdays, we did Disney in the middle, and finished up with Parent-Teacher-Conferences and Halloween festivities. Conferences were in person again, but they went well - I have a nice class with nice families. 
The weather was really beyond perfect the whole month long. Life felt normal again (just ignore the fact that Idaho was in Crisis Standards of Care the entire month) - we were healthy, so was the family, traveling, doing fun activities, celebrating together - it felt good. 

We did make time to enjoy fall in Idaho, which is - I believe - the best season in the Treasure Valley. We made our annual trip to the Farmstead with the fam.
   We spent a perfectly fall-dish afternoon in Boise including a gorgeous hike up Camels Back.
This is how Carolina travels - with a plethora of stuffies in tow. 
The family pumpkin patch shrank this year - but there were still enough in Papa's garden for us to have our pick.
We carved pumpkins and ate pizza.
They turned out very cute!

For Halloween Ripley was a pumpkin (as always)...
Carolina was a flying squirrel...
And Liam was the Joker (which is just past as creepy as I want him to get) - he was very pleased with his last Halloween costume, for his last time trick-or-treating.

October Video



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