Monthly: September 2021

September was a lot. Really and truly. It lasted a year - but I also can't believe it's already October. 
The good news was that the month started out with an event that was cancelled last year and we were so glad it was back this year - Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic! It's such a fun start-of-fall event - and this year we happened to be there on a day when the conditions were just right for a "great launch" where all the balloons take off at the exact same time. It was breathtaking.

The bad news is that we also started out the month with the kids in quarantine for Covid exposure - they had to stay home from school for 2 weeks (and stay home from everywhere else) and it was not as fun as it sounds. We had them tested and the tests were misplaced, it was a very long very frustrating situation. All told - the tests eventually came back negative, then we were told we had them tested too early. Liam got so behind on his school work that he still hasn't fully caught up AND we think Carolina probably did have Covid after all because of a couple of symptoms. 
We did make it out on a few walks, the weather is my favorite after about 6:30-7:00, it's cool and quiet and so beautiful.

Once Liam got his negative Covid test, and was beyond the window of exposure, he was able to get his 2nd vaccine and he is now immune! Yay! He had no side effects other than a sore arm.

Here are some random photos of September... waiting for boba & coffee...

baby Everett...

painting pumpkins...

Steve's garden...

Sunny Sundays...

Nana's new couch and family hang time...

Disneyland treats from friends to tide us over until we can get there ourselves IN TWO WEEKS!

And a very fallish day date - complete with a new sweater, some drizzle, and a hot coffee. 

Gosh, I love Boise.

Gosh, I love coffee.


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