Monthly: May 2021 & Carolina's Tumbling Recital

Yay for May! My favorite month! I had thought April weather was unpredictable, but May was far more up and down. We definitely got out and enjoyed it when it was nice!

Carolina and I went to a bridal shower for Nikole, our soon-to-be-cousin. Brad came and surprised her with flowers to ask her to be a flower girl. 

These other cousins were playing princess, there were some adorable conversations happening that I wish I could remember more from!

In case you haven't noticed - this is a Carolina heavy post... also in case you HAVE noticed, please disregard her eyebrows and instead look at all the baby bunnies! 

Better eyebrows, the animal isn't quite as adorable - but she's an old girl so we'll keep her.

Night swims

Day swims

It's a good day at the zoo when you get snacks and you can see the baby sand cats!

Carolina had her tumbling recital - indoor, this year - and she did such a great job! I love taking pictures when she's all gussied up in her costume. 

After a month that stretched on forever, it was finally the end of school and time for vacation. Ripley turned 16 this month, and we always feel so bad leaving her at the kennel while we go away, but she does just fine.

It's hard to believe when we go back to school that they will be in 4th and 7th grade! There has been a lot to reflect on this past school year, a lot we learned, and a lot of success, but I am definitely hoping that next year will be back to normal!


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