Monthly: January 2021 (& Liam's 12th Birthday!)

 Well this kid turned TWELVE!!! At the end of the month... but still, it's the biggest thing that happened to us in January, and I wanted this to be the featured photo, so it had to come first! Therefore we will work backwards this month. We had a really lovely weekend just after Liam's birthday - so sunny and nice that on our weekly trek to Boise, we took an impromptu trip to the zoo! And then to Goody's for celebratory ice cream (as you do in January)!

It was SUPER sunny and we loved it - but our pictures didn't always come out quite right ;) Highlights were these amazing Sea Eagles, the monkeys, and the anteater mom and baby. 

For Liam's pandemic party he requested pizza and a sleepover with one friend.

But first we opened presents...

... his "big" one being a brand new Fender guitar, just for him.

And Grandma brought over a chocolate sheet cake. 

He got birthday visits from family who cam to drop off presents and give birthday wishes. All in all, I don't think he was one bit disappointed in his Covid birthday!

This happened to me... followed by the rest of the adults in the family - very exciting!

Our last little bit of Christmas break we mostly spent in pajamas eating treats. The kids are very into baking, and we're here for it. 

This chocolate pudding Liam made from his new cookbook, was one of the best homemade desserts I've ever had.

Our Christmas gift to each other was a new bed - our last one was as old as our marriage - the new one is bigger, softer, and significantly more fun (it does the up/down and vibrating thing). We can all fit on it now, and naptimes are nicer. 

And that's the end/beginning of January!


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