Weekly: January 1-6, New Year's Day & Lazy Vacation

As always, that first week of January is a little hard to take - it's always kind of empty, the only things filling it are the post-holiday things you don't want to do like packing up Christmas, cleaning, and thinking of going back to work. This year, the kids and I had the whole week off - which I was sort of not looking forward to - it seemed like such a long time off without a good reason for having it (not that I'm ever complaining about time off). But honestly, as it turns out, that week was simply fantastic. We basically just stayed home the whole week - our goal was to leave the house as little as possible. I would've definitely appreciated a little snow, but there wasn't any, I was ok. 

New Year's Day was pretty anticlimactic, instead of being all inspired by a new year and new goals etc - we spent a whole day laying around and looking at screens - iPads, TV, etc - it's not something we ever do, but we were feeling extremely tired and lazy and it was vacation - also we hadn't watched all of our Hallmark Christmas movies yet. The next day I was antsy to not-sit, so we packed up Christmas and said goodbye to the tree.

The entire break we ALL slept in (well not Todd, because work) but Carolina was sleeping until 9:30 consistently, even Liam slept past 8 which is really late for him. We stayed in pajamas most of the time, and did a lot of nothing important - I did some cleaning and the kids did a LOT of playing. I always asked the kids in the morning if there was anything they wanted to do/go that day - and they always said "stay home!" They really got along SO well all week - post-Christmas miracle?
We spent a day eating snacks and playing games.  
 We did do a couple of game nights with family, a coffee date and and an evening with friends, and an orthodontist appointment for Carolina (she probably needs a palate expander come July for her crossbite), I cooked once - biscuits and grits from my new cookbook. And on Saturday we all made the most of the day by more sleeping in, pajama-ing, and reading books all day - Todd, Liam, and I (I read 3!) - except Lina only read some of the time... someday she'll get there. 
Sunday we had to get a little more "real" with our lives, except the kids had one more day off so they had a sleepover with Nana and Poppa, which means Todd and I had a kid free evening to do some Netflix binging and pretending vacation would never end. I don't think I've ever been so well rested. It was great. 


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