Weekly: May 14-20

Ahh, another lovely week in Idaho - I couldn't love spring time any more! It was another very busy week, and I am very much looking forward to this week being just a bit more laid back. We got in several more walks and enjoyed every bit of them. Monday was lovely for me because I took the day off from school because I had my annual doctor visit (not lovely) in the morning and spent the rest of the day shopping, and running around town by myself (mostly searching all of the Targets for Mickey stuff). It was glorious! 
 Saturday was fantastic! It was sunny and warm and beautiful, and after soccer we impromptu decided to skip chores and go play in Boise. We walked through the whole farmer's market, shared lemonades, got lunch at a delicious new German restaurant (even the kids liked it!), spent some gift cards, and got coffee, what is better than that?! It was basically my perfect day. To make it even better these two kiddos were so well behaved and got along all day.
 If there are comics at the coffee shop, he's a happy kid.
Sunday was my birthday, but it was still a Sunday (ie. have to get ready for Monday) - but grandparents took the kids and we went to our favorite restaurant in Boise - yummmm, it was so good, can I go back?! This week we will have a family celebration and no other commitments - yay!! I have projects I need to get done at home and never feel like I have time for "extras" like that. 
Also there are NO MORE MONDAYS left of school! Woohoo!!! I can't believe it's so close!


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