
You would think that September would be pretty relaxed right? We are back in the swing of school and things, no holidays yet, calm weather -  but truly it was nonstop somehow. I worked a lot. I stayed late and brought home work, and I don't mean grading (I farm that out to save my sanity). My to-do list grew and grew even though it felt like I was working constantly to check things off. I love my school but honestly sometimes it's like teaching is priority: last and we just keep getting piled up with more and more stuff. It's been overwhelming lately. I feel lately like my sweet kiddos are growing up in front of my eyes and I'm missing it. Weekends feel packed with chores and errands and cooking and entertaining and outings - and while all of those are good things, where is my "ahh everything is done and we can all rest" moment? I think maybe it's fictional.

The good news is that the heat wave finally ended and our cool crisp beautiful autumn weather is back - actually not always beautiful, we did have a few rainy days which were not fun for school children, but they were certainly fallish! I love this weather, 60s and 70s (degrees not music) are my jam. Before we know it we will have to pull out the heavy coats. 

I might be feeling a little overwhelmed lately also because I'm getting ready to go out of town for 5 days this week - feeling sad to leave the kids, stressed about getting my school work done for this and next week and really the next week too because I will be busy playing catch up when I get back, oh and trying to find and sign-up for health insurance before I leave (for Todd and kids) - but it'll be worth it because I'm going to NEW YORK CITY with Jeran and Linda for her birthday! I'm trying to be super organized and on top of things this week - so far it's going ok, fingers-crossed I can stay on top of things so I feel good about going when the time comes!


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