Weekly: February 13-20

I don't even know what last week was besides craziness. Valentine's Day on a Tuesday and Doughnuts for Dads on Friday made the school week feel  l o n g.  It's always like that when the weekly schedule gets thrown off.
Valentine's Day was funny - we went to Brad's basketball game and then were starving so we got Costco pizza on the way home and the kids opened a few treats. Todd and I celebrated earlier so it didn't really feel like Valentine's Day somehow.
I was glad we didn't have extra plans for the week besides the usual. Carolina got better from the pukes but then got a cold again and I started to get a cold again, but DoTerra to the rescue; I feel fine now! We were really working for the weekend this week, woohoo for a 3-day weekend!  Really though, if it weren't for the weekend this week might have killed me - it's the weather you guys. I was made for sunnier locales. We had a few bright spots, but mostly it was just yuck and the weekend especially - we had a ton of rain and some crazy wind. We made the best of it and caught up on some Oscar nominated movies, I bought myself flowers...twice, had a Boise day, took the kids to a movie courtesy of the grandparents, and tried to rest and enjoy ourselves.
I just struggle with the gloominess, I know I'm not the only one. But it's making me DIE to go someplace. You can't get me out of here fast enough, and sadly I have no where to go until summer break at the soonest! I'm sure we'll fix that, but I need it done, like yesterday... Classic February.

Here's a very short clip of our week..


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