Liam Turns 8!

Only a couple of weeks late!
We had Pizza Hut lunch, coconut cake, and presents on Liam's actual birthday with the McConnels-Knights-Millers (bowling with friends was the day before) - it was super chill, but after looking over my few pictures and videos, it seems to me that he really enjoyed himself. 
 There isn't anything particularly special about these, but they just bless my heart to watch them, and know I have a sweet moment in time captured forever. 

I forced him outside in the freezing cold to try to get a few 8 year old pictures...
 Um, excuse me, when did he learn that this was a way to pose for pictures? And decide that he was old/cool enough for it?!

 The traditional - I'm losing it with pictures - face...
What a sweet, sweet boy we have. He is so smart, so loving, so positive, sensitive, goofy, and fun-loving. Man, we are proud of him. 
And we managed to get his 8-year-interview done too! I am apparently done doing kid "stats" with birthday posts, but I did make him stand up against the wall with his height measurement from October... and he has literally grown and inch and a half in the last 4 months - sheesh, no wonder we had to ask for new clothes for his birthday!


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