Goodbye 2015! You were sure good to us! You gave us lots of trips - Maui, Disneyland, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, Jackson Hole & Yellowstone. You gave us a new nephew/cousin! You gave us a new pastor and with it a new love for our church. You gave Todd a new job, and me my best class ever. You gave us health, and friends, and doughnuts, and so many other blessings. Man, I'm sure going to miss you, 2015. But...

Hello 2016! Can't wait to get to know you.. I'm already looking forward to getting more exercise this year and heading back to Disneyland in May, and maybe a few other places :-) I'm looking forward to another year with growing kiddos and getting to watch a little guy learning to walk and talk. I always love resolutions and goals and fresh starts. But maybe because last year was so great I don't feel like I need/want a fresh start, I just want a continuation! So I'm consciously not making any New Years Resolutions... I know the things that I want to do in the future, which are pretty much the things I always want to do (travel, read, exercise, eat better, etc.)... but I feel like I'm on a good path, and I'm just going to stay on it - ok? Ok.


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