The week: Oct. 26 - Nov. 1
Whew, that was a full week but compared to what's to come it will fee like the calm before the storm. We were busy with lots of evenings with friends and Halloween celebrations - it was SUPER fun :)
Let's see we got a letter from Aunt Amy (thus the picture), we went to the Harvest Party at church, but the BEST was that Liam asked Jesus into his heart this week - it just came naturally out of a conversation about something he heard on TV, he said he wanted to ask Jesus - we prayed - and he cried his eyeballs out for a few minutes... because he was happy!!! It was so precious.
Carolina is such a good little pre-school student! She really listens and learns - and she's adorable when she shows us her Memory Verse...
Another super fun thing was that we went to see Disney on Ice - Frozen! Mom & Dad bought tickets for Carolina's birthday and it was a treat!
This year for Halloween we went cheap and easy (I'm talking $10 and no sewing) - presenting Batman & Catwoman (or Cat human as Carolina calls herself). Liam was really in character, and doesn't Carolina look so grown up and just beautiful?!
The big surprise of the night was that Whit came trick-or-treating at our house as Robin! They made the CUTEST little trio! And Whit in his little mask! I was hard to contain the gushing.
It was a Happy Halloween indeed!
He wasn't the only one that cried- we cried tears of joy when he called and told us the good news! I have been praying that he would ask Jesus into his heart at an early age and that prayer was answered! What a blessing for you as parents to lead him in that most important decision! Love you all so much! Nana