The week: Sept. 21-27

Monday: Liam and Lina had no school, but I did - and let's just say it was a doozy and I was looking forward to having my students back the next day (if you are a teacher, you know what this statement means).
 The kiddos went to Grandma and Papa's and got to swim and ride bikes (because Carolina got a bike for her birthday!). Then we had a playdate with friends, Liam had soccer practice, and then Jen and Grant and Whit came over to hang out. I do like busy days like that every so often!
Tuesday: Liam informed me that one of his top front teeth was wiggly and I sobbed and wailed about it. I'm not ready for him to lose those yet! They are the cutest ones! Then when the giant top teeth come in they just  make kids look so much older - I don't like it one bit.
Also, Todd got his promotion and raise - yay him! All it really means is he has more work to do in the same amount of time, and he has to step in when a supervisor is gone... like Christmas, holidays, etc. He'll be earning that extra $$.
Wednesday: Oh my class, they are just the best - what sweethearts - one student even brought me a coffee! I told my principal I think I'd peaked - because it would never get any better than this :-) School continued when we got home and Liam was writing math word problems for his sister and I to solve. He had to teach Carolina how to solve them of course, and that was adorable.
Thursday: Liam had a dentist appointment that afternoon so Carolina tagged along so she could watch and have a mini-check up too, she will have her first real appointment in 6 months, but they like to get them used to the dentist this way. They both did great! Liam was super brave for his sister, and although she was still nervous to have anything done crazy Dr. Mike won her over - also the promise of a new toothbrush and a prize helped. They got two thumbs up - yay! Also Liam informed me that his other top front tooth is loose and I sobbed and wailed some more.
It was another late night for Todd so Liam, Lina and I had another "run errands" date - just Target and Costco this time, but there was plenty of fun to be had.
Friday: Aaaaaand tooth #3 is loose. My son will soon not be able to eat anything... this time it's a bottom tooth at least. Man he's going to be so cute when all of these fall out, and then they will grow in and he will look like a teenager. It seems like he is running like a year ahead of schedule developmentally - he is way taller than all the first graders (and most second graders, even some fourth graders) and usually kids don't lose those top teeth until they are in second grade!
It was also over 90 degrees on Friday, hopefully for the last time, and we went for one more swim before the pool closes this week. It felt so nice, but it sure was chilly getting out in the evening!
Saturday: The soccer game was at noon, so I got to have some Target-Starbucks alone time in the morning before that. There were only like 5 other shoppers in there, it was glorious. I do some of my best thinking there. And of course I got to thinking about Liam and Lina being so big while buying supplies for Carolina's birthday IN LESS THAN A WEEK and then I felt sad. Watching your kids grow up is so fun and so hard... I know any mom will agree with me.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma came today and we went to my parents and had dinner with them - the kids were sooo excited - it is very special that they get this chance to form a relationship.
Sunday: Church was fantastic as usual - if you want a little (or a lot) of extra inspiration during the week I highly encourage you to listen to Pastor Daniels' sermons here or here. I've decided I'm going to listen to them in the middle of the week too, just to soak more of it in. After that the kids when to Grandma and Papa's to play in the garden and wash rocks while I went to Boise to run errands. That evening we had dinner with the family again. What a nice week!
Well doing the blog this way worked better for me to remember what we did... but maybe it's more ramble-y  now because I'm not just narrowing it down to the key details? Ah well, we'll see how this works for a while.


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