Oh, Christmas tree! and other things

Here are a few Christmasy things we've been up to... (in lots of random filters). In our advent calendar this year - there is of course a bible verse for every day - but odd days there are candies and on even days there is an activity... so we've watched a Christmas movie with popcorn, decorated our rooms with window stickys and little Christmas trees, and wrote letters to Santa! Lina asked for a lightsaber, a white puppy, or a brown puppy. Liam asked for a little water gun, a buzz lightyear toy, or an RC car. We mailed the letters - Santa will be getting those any day now!

We finally got our Christmas Tree, it feels so late this year! But it was hard finding time around Liam's program schedule... I stayed up till midnight decorating it and the living room. It's so pretty and smells so nice. I love the silver/gold/white/sparkly theme.

Then we decorated the upstairs tree with the kids and set up the Christmas train - that was a fun afternoon! (Other than all the "NO Carolina"s we hear now.)

I did my Christmas cards :)

I made a Christmas printable - needed something in this frame. Last year I was all about projects, and homemade, this year I'm going far more minimalist - other than this.

We celebrated Christmas with Patrick... first presents of the season!

And the insanity of last week was explained when I saw this one clear night.

It seriously feels like Christmas is two days from now instead of two week... but it's going FAST. I wish I had double the amount of time off work before Christmas. I feel like I'm going to need it!


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