Nothing in particular...

A miracle occurred this weekend - Carolina dropped my phone in the pool - who knows how long it was down there before she told us "phone in the pool" and I fished it up off the bottom.... and it still works. PTL - seriously. So in the wake of the panic I was like MUST BACK-UP PHONE! So here we have a good dozen+ random pictures from my phone followed my random updates on things.

In the afternoons, post-Carolina-nap, the kids have been enjoying watching a movie together with a snack - she's always really cranky after nap, and this is our solution.

Now that her hair is getting longer I'm LOVING playing around with cute little piggies and ponies :)

A whole bunch of us went to see Monster's University (the original Monster's Inc. is basically on replay in our house) - it was a fun time!

It's a sign - Carolina went and grabbed Liam's Mickey ears out of his room and paraded them around the house - she does love Mickey Mouse!

A "take a picture of me" picture - but he's just so cute, what wouldn't I?

Both of my kids are car sleepers - a gift and a curse... Water bottle and sunglasses are a must on these HOT days! We haven't seen 108 around here in a while... so hot in fact that apparently my house cannot handle triple digit temps and is in denial... thus it is "00" degrees outside.

I don't take very many selfies, so this is a rare treat ;) ... a typical day around here...

My garden is doing great! I feel like I just took this picture, but it already looks so much different... the lettuce and kale, as well as the herbs are ready to eat! None of the strawberries made it though :(
Here are a few Instagrams I've loved lately - of course you can click on the IG icon on the right, but that takes time and effort!
She soaked herself, and loved every minute of it.
Trying to solve the mystery of the constant-crankies with a paci, a baby, and a snack.
Favorite pic of the month! Matching toenails!  
Lina vs. the Popsicle (or popSIcle, if she's pronouncing it)
Although this week is blazing hot, last week was very chilly, rainy, and felt quite fallish. Typical Idaho weather for you, with 40 degree temperature changes in one week. The kids love eating lunch outside, but with the rain they were stuck under the porch, I was spying on their little conversations which are AH-MAZING to listen to. I wish I had a recording.

 Todd and I got out and enjoyed a Boise date even in the rain - we love us some BoDo!

So yeh - that's about it. We just feel so so busy, I told Todd I get to watch less TV during the summer than when I'm back at work! It's crazy! But I don't mind too much - actually with the McConnel family all being in Maui without us right now, I'm welcoming things to keep me busy so I don't feel so bummed about it (I should point out it was our choice not to go, and probably the right one,). We ARE looking forward to going up to Sun Valley this week with my side of the family - and actually stay a few days. It's so beautiful up there, and it will be a little cooler too. 

Self Goals Update:

1- Clean. Um, ish. I started out well, but this goal sort of turned into "Projects" - just trying to get odd jobs/tasks done and checked off my list. Things like registering for preschool, renewing passports, find random items at Home Depot...
2- Read. This hasn't been a problem... well actually it has been a problem, because I may be doing a little too much reading when I ought to be doing other things.
3- Blog/Babes in Disneyland. Yes! I took a whole 2 days and blogged my heart out for BiD, you'll see a few of those shortly...
4- Sew. Nope, too much reading
5- Pictures. Not yet, hoping to get some good ones when we go up to Sun Valley this week!
6- Home Improvements. Again, too much reading.

Kid Goals Update:
1- Playdates. We've done pretty well on this one, though it's hasn't been as easy as I thought to get 'em scheduled! Summer is busy for everyone!
2- Cooking. Yes - back on track here, although Liam and I have been leaving Lina out and baking during her nap. She really is kind of impossible to work with in the kitchen - she's into EVERYTHING. I wish I had a picture of her blue self after she got into my food color bottles.
3- Reading. Not everyday like I was hoping to, gotta work on this one, it is pretty important.
4- Arts/Crafts. We haven't been getting too fancy, but we have been doing art - mostly coloring and painting, a little cutting. They ask to do it every day!
5- Fun Outing. Yes, although not as easy as I thought it would be! I'm more and more convinced that we'll be stopping at 2 kids. thankyouverymuch.
6- Independent time. This is hard, especially with Carolina's extra teething fussies (we assume), but we're working it. Sometimes they can play, independently from me, really well - sometimes I have to seperate them from each other to make it work, but it's getting better. 


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