Goals: Summer Edition

I don't know about you, but I make goals twice a year - once at New Years and once at the start of summer break. Without goals and plans the summer could totally stretch out before me as like an empty, blank, boring canvas. Some people might think this sounds awesome, but to me it's actually unnerving. Even before I had kids, I made summer goals for myself - just to keep myself busy, productive, and from becoming a couch potato - but now with kids this is even more crucial. On the flip side - I've seen some pins going around Pinterest of these daily schedule magnets for kids during the summer. The thought of that, while I totally get it, makes me want to vomit. It's too much like work for me. I like to feel like I have freedom to make my own daily plan, and not feel like every day will be the exact same thing! For instance I'm totally behind on chores right now, but you know what cousins and pool time are far more important and cleaning can wait! I feel like I'm treading some line between needing some routine, but not be too planned.
Today is sort of like my first day of summer break since all of last week we were packing/busy/gone - although we have VBS this week, which takes up the whole morning, and doesn't quite truly feel like summer break yet. Break comes when there are no trips, or company, or VBS, it's when there are no plans and you get to decide the whole day/week/month for yourself (and your kids). At any rate, here are my goals for myself and my kids:

Self Goals:
1- Clean. Although my house is still pretty organized from the move, it's getting dirty as lived-in houses do. On top of regular cleaning, I plan to do one deep cleaning chore a day (like cleaning all the blinds, or wiping out all the bathroom drawers, etc.)
2- Read. Already on my second book, hooray!
3- Blog/Babes in Disneyland. I'll have more time for this blog, but I mainly want to get back into the rotation of a weekly (or more) blog post for BiD - I really love doing it!
4- Sew. I haven't had time for this in a while and I have a couple of projects that have been waiting for a while, plus a few new things I'd like to try (ie. the dress from last summer's goals that I never got around to!)
5- Pictures. Taking them, organizing them, printing them. As I look around my house, all my pictures of the kids look outdated - which is fine for some, but seems weird for all - Carolina has changed so much, so fast!
6- Home Improvements. The kids' hallway needs something to spice it up (I have a pictures shelf from Ikea that I'm saving for it), the kids' bathroom also could use a cute update/theme, and then the dreaded garage - there's just tons of stuff in there that needs to be thrown away/given away/sold and the rest needs a serious organizing.

Kid Goals:
1- Playdates. I hope to have at least one playdate a week with friends, it's a fun change in the middle of the week.
2- Cooking. I've gotten out of the habit of baking with my kids, and really never have with Lina (she's kind of unpredictable), but I'd like to start again.
3- Reading. I want to read with them everyday. This seems like it would be easy to do, but not so lately.
4- Arts/Crafts. I want to pull out the paints and crayons at least once a week, plus there are so many cute artsy/crafty ideas on Pinterest for toddlers and little kids.
5- Fun Outing. Whether it be going out for doughnuts, or yogurt, or shaved ice - I'd like to get out for a special treat once a week.
6- Independent time. Although I want to spend lots of time with them, I also want them to be able to have independent play time without a TV or iPad... something I feel like they're not that great at most of the time.

Of course it's a given that we'll swim as much as possible, roast s'mores, run errands together, play in the yard, and hang out with grandparents (while they're around). We hope to get out of town a time or two more this summer, but we'll have to see! I'm SO looking forward to the next 2 1/2 months - and in no hurry to rush it!


  1. thanks!! i will just copy and paste your list. (minus the sewing and independent play---the girls are always playing- now if could just get them to sit down and finish the movie Brave so I can see if the mom turns back to a human!) ;)


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