Comedy Hour

These are our attempts to get some pics of all the McConnel grandkids together at Thanksgiving... it's hysterical. Poor Denali and Dylan, they worked so hard and smiled so nicely... even Olivia cooperated very well. It's my two little crazies that just can't pull it together.

Can't get enough of Dyl's face here. I get it dude.
Allllmost made it, but then Liam. Nope.
Spoiler Alert: This is as good as it's going to get.
Oh, the shark teeth.
And then the I-just-got-yelled-at-for-too-much-teeth pose.

Why, oh, why is he winking?
I'd say he's feeling pret-ty much awesome at this juncture.
This would be their album cover.
Aaaaand that about sums it up.
You should have seen the 5 of us - myself, Todd, Lonnie, Jeran (who was taking the pictures), and Linda all behind the camera - acting completely insane to try to get these kids to look and smile like normal human beings. Well the proof is in the... proofs. My children have photograph issues.
Who's ready for Christmas pictures?!


  1. I think they are adorable! Nana

  2. I can hardly wait for Christmas pictures. We will enjoy every minute of every attempt to take pictures. I love all of these. Tessa


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