Looking for fun...

We had some really lovely and warm days this week - finally! It's supposed to rain this weekend and cool down, but all of next week is in the sunny and 70's - it's about time! Unfortunately Todd is still really sick. I don't remember if I've posted about this... I don't think so... well, just ignore if I have. Over a month ago Todd got a really sore throat which continued to get worse for the next few weeks. So after finally giving in to a Dr's appointment, a nose scope, and a barium swallow, and only one fainting spell, it was discovered he had a very bad sinus infection and a hole in his esophagus. (I don't really know how one or the other happened, or how they're related, so don't ask.) Anyway the doc finally put him one a strong antibiotic, and then a little later a nasal spray. He seemed to finally be feeling better, until this week when hives broke out over his whole body, fever, aches, and nausea. The doctor is being an idiot in my opinion - he doesn't think it's the meds and didn't offer Todd any help with the hives... and we shouldn't be concerned about any of this?? Todd stopped taking the spray and started taking Benadryl of course, but that's not necessarily helping... He is so sick of being sick - and I am too! Between Liam and Todd and the weather, I feel like we've been cooped up inside forever.

So back to the pictures, I've been extra tired after school lately (the closer we get to the end of the year, the more out of control the kids get). If Todd were well we'd probably go to the park or for a walk or something, but I just haven't felt like I have the energy to do that by myself - so we are finding things to do closer to home. We got out his bubbles and chalk and sat in the sun.

He did enjoy the chalk, but felt that he needed to break all the pieces at least in half before he could use them...

Here's the "say cheese" smile... *sigh*

We discovered that there were bubbles in the bottom, but candies in the top - so I got some real smiles out of that...

"Pwease mom, candies?"

So I thought I'd try bribing some more smiles out of him with the rest of the candy, but it didn't work the way I was hoping. He looks like a piranha when he smiles like this, you can see every tooth in his head. Got word that the pool is up to 84 degrees now, so hoping that with the nice weather next week, and hopefully some improvement from Todd we can go enjoy it soon!


  1. so adorable- can't wait to see you guys- praying for Todd.

  2. poor todd! and i love that pirhana smile!

  3. What an adorable boy! Praying for Todd, poor guy! Linda M


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