It's a GIRL!

We all thought it would be a boy - really, even Liam! I even kept having dreams that it was a boy. And, as Todd and I watched through the first half hour of the ultrasound we became even more convinced... something that looked like boy-parts kept showing up on the screen. So needless to say we were VERY surprised when the tech announced "a girl!" - even though that's what we were both hoping for. Of course now, everything that I thought I'd think, or feel, or expect when I found out I'd be having a girl - is not at all true. For instance, I thought I'd be out shopping for a girl bright and early the next morning... but I don't think I'm ready for that quite yet. We feel like we're going into the unknown a little bit - we know what to do with a boy, but what to do with a girl?! Oh, I know we'll figure it out like we did the first time, it's just going to take a few days to wrap our heads around this new development! (not to mention getting accustomed to using female pronouns). But, a mom, dad, son, daughter, and dog sounds like the perfect family though - don't you think? :) (Aunt Lynda agrees, except she would say 'cat')
But since I skipped baby update for week 19 (blogger was down a bit this week), and week 20 is on Monday I'll go ahead and fill you in for that... week 20 means we're HALF WAY! Crazy, huh? said 10 1/2 oz, but the u/s tech said 12 oz yesterday (the size of a tall latte - ha!) and the length of a banana. But when she said things like "feet are a half inch long," that just shocked me, those are some pretty small feet to be kicking me so hard. At this point the baby... I mean she is pretty much all put together, just working on developing internally and getting bigger now, which means I can expect to gain a pound a week - but I reeeeally hope not, 20 more pounds seems like an awful lot, and I already feel like I'm going to bust sometimes.
Everything looked good, except the placenta was really low - I had placenta previa with Liam though, and it moved out of the way before it became a problem. We do have some pictures (not the cool 3D kind though), but I'll have to see if Dad can get my scanner to work, otherwise I don't guess you'll get to see.


  1. so exciting!!!!! can't wait to see pics!

  2. It does sound like a perfect family, but another boy would have been perfect too. We are just thankful that all is well. We are thrilled with a girl and we'll start shopping ASAP. Any color suggestions?


  3. so happy for guys and your baby girl! but mostly that she is healthy and growing! Lots of fun ahead! kristin


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