Week Recap...

Sunday: Here is what Liam and Maddie chose to do during the Superbowl, I don't blame them one bit! Football = boring.
Monday: I stayed home with Liam because Kathy and her kids were sick.
Tuesday: Liam started getting a cough and a runny nose and feeling cruddy too - he stayed in his jammies all day at Kathy's house. He came home and just wanted to lay down.
Wednesday: Liam felt worse and he laid on Kathy's couch all day watching movies. Then he coughed half the night away.
Thursday: When Todd went to get him up he cried and rolled over, which is when we knew it was serious - because his usual thing is to pop up and start talking... so Todd took the day off and I went to work. Liam was so sick Todd told me to plan for a sub and I assumed I'd be going to the doctor the next day.
Friday: However, Liam was largely improved, sick congested and a little warm, but certainly more energetic. Apparently the sub I had been assigned that day was a terrrrible one too, so now I feel really guilty, but how could I have known ahead of time?
Saturday: Liam is an absolute snot-locker today, I feel like there's snot on every surface in my house now. Ugh, it's disgusting. But Liam is happy and wild & crazy as usual, so we are going to treat this like a normal weekend and go out and enjoy the sunshine. Liam and Ripley are anxious.
Next week is going to be so busy, I'm not looking forward to it... Monday I have a Dr.'s appointment after school, Tuesday I start a new class after school, Wednesday Todd works late, Thursday and Friday I have parent-teacher conferences till 8. I told Todd we are not celebrating Valentine's day on Monday, I'm already too booked.


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