Another week, another blog...
Sorry there's not as many posts these days - a week goes by without me even whipping out my camera... not that there's a whole lot to take pictures of when you're this busy with work, etc.
My doctor's appointment on Tuesday went well, only my blood work didn't come back showing my hormone levels were back to normal - this probably explains my Tower-of-Terror-like mood swings... it ain't pretty. I have to go back in 2 weeks for another draw. Meanwhile, at school, things are going even worse, culminating in a team meeting with the principal on Friday and a good chewing out... not sure I'll be sticking around in the 4th grade after this year. At least the weekend has been pretty good - more on that later.
Todd (I realized I rarely mention Todd on this blog, not that he cares much, but you might!) is currently out of the house at his 2nd soccer game - I'm pretty sure I never told you that he's on a soccer team! He and a friend, who already played soccer, got to talking and practicing and Todd was invited to play. Games are on Sunday afternoons, which can be kind of a bummer, but Todd has lost over 20 lbs. I think since he's been exercising and changing his diet too - I'm really proud of him! I think he's pretty proud of himself too :) Other than that he's been busy with work as usual and as usual not loving it so much.
Now Liam I finally took the doctor after Todd stayed home with him one day and Linda took a half day off to get Liam early, and Kathy was feeling he wasn't improving... only to find out that "everything looks good" - drat! Poor kiddo has been sick for 2 or 3 weeks it feels like. It seemed to be going away and almost gone after a week and then came back with a bad cough which keeps mother and son up at night. The doctor did give us a script for antibiotics to use if Liam didn't show any more improvement after a few days... which I had filled the next day as Liam seemed worse still. No improvement yet, in fact he's been the most cranky I maybe have ever seen him, but I think I've found a tooth coming in as well, poor kid is doubled-up with sickies.
For some weekend snaps...

This kid is so weird with food... won't eat a grilled cheese, but feta-spinach pizza, yes please!

Papa came over to help us put together a cabinet for the laundry room, and Liam, as usually, was a big help.

While the boys did their project, the girls (Linda and I) started an impromptu living room remodel (I'll post pics when it's totally ready). Why do home improvement projects always make a bigger mess before they get better?
One day this week we woke up to see this :(
So this was the guys' second project on Saturday... we'll have to see if the tree will make it or not - I'll be so sad if it doesn't, it was great for shade and Liam loved to play between the branches.
My doctor's appointment on Tuesday went well, only my blood work didn't come back showing my hormone levels were back to normal - this probably explains my Tower-of-Terror-like mood swings... it ain't pretty. I have to go back in 2 weeks for another draw. Meanwhile, at school, things are going even worse, culminating in a team meeting with the principal on Friday and a good chewing out... not sure I'll be sticking around in the 4th grade after this year. At least the weekend has been pretty good - more on that later.
Todd (I realized I rarely mention Todd on this blog, not that he cares much, but you might!) is currently out of the house at his 2nd soccer game - I'm pretty sure I never told you that he's on a soccer team! He and a friend, who already played soccer, got to talking and practicing and Todd was invited to play. Games are on Sunday afternoons, which can be kind of a bummer, but Todd has lost over 20 lbs. I think since he's been exercising and changing his diet too - I'm really proud of him! I think he's pretty proud of himself too :) Other than that he's been busy with work as usual and as usual not loving it so much.
Now Liam I finally took the doctor after Todd stayed home with him one day and Linda took a half day off to get Liam early, and Kathy was feeling he wasn't improving... only to find out that "everything looks good" - drat! Poor kiddo has been sick for 2 or 3 weeks it feels like. It seemed to be going away and almost gone after a week and then came back with a bad cough which keeps mother and son up at night. The doctor did give us a script for antibiotics to use if Liam didn't show any more improvement after a few days... which I had filled the next day as Liam seemed worse still. No improvement yet, in fact he's been the most cranky I maybe have ever seen him, but I think I've found a tooth coming in as well, poor kid is doubled-up with sickies.
For some weekend snaps...
This kid is so weird with food... won't eat a grilled cheese, but feta-spinach pizza, yes please!
Papa came over to help us put together a cabinet for the laundry room, and Liam, as usually, was a big help.
While the boys did their project, the girls (Linda and I) started an impromptu living room remodel (I'll post pics when it's totally ready). Why do home improvement projects always make a bigger mess before they get better?
Right now I've got a couple of hours to myself to try and restore some order to my house... wish me luck!
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