Sick in Sin City...
A 10 hour drive, and all of a sudden, out of the middle of the desert, you get see this...
We were hungry, and one of the places on our list was the Burger Bar - a unique, build-your-own-burger place.
With dessert burgers: nutella mousse, strawberries, kiwi, passion fruit gelatin, on a doughnut bun. SO DELICIOUS!
Girlie pic in front of the Excalibur.
Todd & I.
What a crazy place.
- So at this point, in the middle of the night Thursday I got sick sick sick, puke+ for the next 12 hours. It was as sick as I've been in years, I was miserable and doubly so because I was missing half of my vacation! Friday evening I finally made it out again, but didn't last long and was back in my room going to bed and missing out on more fun. Saturday I was back in the land of the living, but if I ate anything it turned into bad news, but I was determined to do and see anyway.
Our friends, Coe & Stephanie.
The New York New York, my favorite looking casino.
The Luxor, where we stayed - cheaper, but nice, roomy, clean - I recommend!
New City Center - the leaning buildings - very strange.
Even the McDonalds sign is glitzy!
Steph playing the jumbo slots - and winning!
Out for a nice evening at the Venetian.
Saw Phantom of the Opera and it was amazinggggg!
It's really 9pm, but you wouldn't know it in the casino.
More fun friend pics at our nice dinner.
I still don't feel good when I eat. Who knows what I had but thankfully nobody else got it and we made it home in one piece. I'd like to say it was a fun trip - but it was such a disappointment to miss half of it and then not be able to fully enjoy the rest, at least I had Thursday night! Liam had kind of a rough weekend without us too, probably teething but he's happy to be back home and very clingy. Todd's gone for some work training for the next 3 days and my parents are coming this weekend, it will be a busy week!
I am sorry you didn't feel well but you look beautiful!