Pictures + a Plea...

First the pictures...
whoa - hold on to me tight!

with Grandma McConnel

with Poppa M

with Mom (love that you can see Todd's reflection in the sunglasses)

Auntie Jen & Liam

ye've been warned - part 2
(in case you aren't aware - you can click on a picture to make it bigger)

Now the plea...
So far when I've asked a question of my friends out in BlogLand I've gotten some really good advice, suggestions, support... so here goes again: most nights Liam sleeps like a log, but last night we had a repeat performance of the sleepless nights we got in Bend. He is so restless... he scoots around, spits out his paci a hundred times, and just does not want to sleep. We tried everything it seems- fed him, held him, rocked him, swaddled, un-swaddled... I thought about Tylenol, but he didn't seem in pain and plus with all the news about acetaminophen I'm nervous to give it to him now. Any ideas about why he's doing this? What else should I try? We eventually had to just let him cry himself to sleep, which probably took about an hour - is it OK to let him cry for that long (although nothing we were doing was helping him stop)? He eventually fell asleep around 7:30 or so, and I woke him up at 9 - since I don't want to perpetuate this cycle if I can help it. Thanks for reading - and helping!


  1. My check list is always... hungry, cold, diaper, tummy (gas drops), over tired, Fever, sick, teeth.... Then if I rock, sing, bounce, burp, pat while he is laying, swaddle, Then it is time for tylenol.... you can always try infant I-B profin (sp) if you don't want to do acetaminophen..... try 1/2 dose first... if it makes you nervious.... seemed to always work for Elijah.... and with the crying to sleep it think at this age and weight for him it is fine.... I would go in and comfort at 4 min of crying then wait next time till he has been crying and lost his paci for 6 min then 8/10/15/20 etc....

    He is also old enough almost 6 months right? to try a little watered down juice... maybe just something cold and sweet and different will be just the thing to "reset" him. You just need to find the "reset button" sometimes. That is what mark and I call it. When they are fussy or won't sleep right or throwing a fit... just need to reset sometimes and start again.

    He could be changing up his schedule a little... may want to be taking an evening nap earlier and then staying up a little later... try and see if you keep him up and play just a little longer if he will do down better... or maybe the opposite. Try a little earlier after a nice warm bath or something and see if maybe he is getting over tired by normal bed time. With the weather changing too... maybe hot and cold are an issue. Also you might try a wedge to elevate head or the kind that help them say on their side... to fall asleep then sneek in and lay him flat....

    again... find what works for you and don't worry too much about what others think.... keep everything in perspective and just remember it could ALWAYS be worse. Also, every other mom is stuggleing with something every day. you are not alone. This is why God made the women the mommies... we can handle it with him.

    Let me know how it turns out.... Karen

  2. some days just bite too... for no reason whatsoever... but i don't think an hour of crying is too long. i usually go back in every 10 minutes or so to check on him (mine), but let him shriek it out. they have to learn and just like your students- things always get a bit worse as they test the boundaries...
    i don't worry about tylenol as long as we don't use it as a long term or constant thing... once he's 6 months you can use ibuprofen and i think that works better anyway.. also those hylands teething tablets work sometimes, but you never know. he might just be testing you...
    babies are so fun! but he's freakin adorable and i just can't wait to see him!!!


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