12 weeks and other things...

Yep - yesterday Liam turned 12 weeks old... hard to believe. His 3 month old clothes are a little snug, definitely into 3-6 mo. size. He's becoming so animated and expressive, and I am officially stating that he laughed a real laugh today. All the baby websites said that I 'would know' when he smiled his first real smile - so I waited for the 'knowing' to come and so he never had a first smile although he smiles all the time. This time I'm not waiting to just know when I hear his first laugh, I'm going to make it so. He's been making laugh-like noises for a while... and today I read some french to him in my best (read: worst) french accent and he laughed, it wasn't a babyish giggle it was just a normal sound, so normal it almost slipped by me. Todd and I sort of registered it at the same time and decided we would call it.
Other things... officially 5 weeks left of school - woohoo! My mom went home this weekend at the "half-way point", she'll be back Monday, but it will be kind of weird to be without her even for a few days. We are in the process of buying a new computer, so that explains to some degree why I haven't been posting many pictures lately. Liam has been eating better - still nursing and bottle feeding. Now he's having some trouble sleeping, he just won't take good naps during the day lately... who knows. This is going to get real old, but I'm going to say it anyway, ready?.. Nothing is ever the same!! It's all one big guessing game! Arrrg!
OK, s'all I can tell you know, I can tell it's my bed time when I can't even focus on my blogging :) Nighty night.


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