Another day...

We made it another day - this one significantly less painful than the last. No tears from me today, more from Liam though, he was not as happy today for some reason - just sort of gripey. Yesterday he was all smiles the whole evening and then he slept the whole night in his crib (another first, so hard for me to let him do), only getting up once to eat (and probably because I kind of woke him up). Even though he was in his room the whole night, it didn't mean that I slept any better - I just kept worrying about him not breathing, etc. We will try it again tonight though, and maybe I'll be able to relax a little more. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get to bed before 11 and I need the sleep, I was pretty delirious this evening and had a splitting headache - thankfully though, I haven't felt tired at work. Keep praying for us that we will make it through the week!

Since I'm so busy now I haven't taken any pictures in a while, I need to ask my mom to do that during the day. Here's a cute pic I never showed you from a few weeks ago...


  1. Man, has he grown since this picture was taken! We're praying for all of you.


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