The Waiting Game

Just talked to Jess. She's still not feeling any pain, so they haven't checked her, besides hooking her up to the belt to time the contractions. She's tried walking (and walking, and walking), bouncing on the birthing ball, and is now off to relax in the jacuzzi. They're hoping labor will start progressing faster on it's own, but will be hooked up to the Pitocin before too long if not.
Any bets on weight for the little man? Leave a comment and tell what you think. I vote 8lbs 3 oz. Brian votes 7lbs 10oz. We could vote on the time, but that might just frustrate poor Jess!
Let's pray that labor will be fast and that she'll be progressing faster than we think! - Katie


  1. thanks for the updates....they have the show on TLC right now, "I didn't know I was Pregnant." HA! Ask Jess how she feels about those people! I am guessing 8lbs. 5 oz.

  2. How can you not know? Those people amaze me, no, scare me! So you have the high guess right now- I bet you'll be closer.... She and her sister were both over 8 lbs.

  3. Can't wait to hear the water breaking in class story Jess! We are excited at the arrival of Liam. Hope it is soon. Our guess 7lbs 13 oz ( same as Libby) - Jim and Debbie


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