Something to tell...

Ok, so I finally have more news! At my visit today I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I am dilated 2 cm - not much I guess, but at least it's something! Again, the Dr. went on and on about how the baby was so low she was afraid something was just going to fall out (how I wish that were true). To try and start my contractions (since I've still had none) she did that fun little trick on me that she did last time, only longer and rougher - what a treat.
Since the baby is big enough, and since there was progress and I am "ripe" as Dr. Z puts it, she's very OK with inducing me and she's setting me up an appointment for Thursday - then if we decide we don't want to induce we can easily cancel. I'm just so torn between letting the baby decide when he comes and probably not having my doctor (can't remember if I already told you she'll be gone all next week), or forcing it to happen but with her there... Or the third possibility is that the baby just grows and grows (he was already in the 87 %ile for his size at the last U/S) and never comes on his own and then I have to be induced anyway - only with a much bigger baby!! Ideally everything will just start on its own in the next few days. Hmm.. we'll be praying about it you can bet, and we'd appreciate yours too.
Since my mom is here waiting for Liam to come, she's been busy at work in my house while Todd and I are gone all day. With all that help the nursery is sooo close to being done; hopefully I can post some pictures tonight or tomorrow for you - it is SO CUTE!
Of course I'll keep you updated on any other progress, I'm 39 weeks on Wednesday!


  1. EEk! I'm so excited! Good luck on the decsion- it's not easy- you have to do what's right for you and Liam. You'll figure it out. Let's just hope Liam beats you to the punch like Ethan and Lucas did! Show the nursery!!


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