Weekly: August 22-28

Well, it was a week. The kids had a great time with the grandparents. For me, it started out good, enjoyed being with friends/coworkers again, enjoyed being busy, but by Wednesday afternoon it hit me and I was ready to cry. If you've never been a teacher you just can't know how much there really is to do to get ready for school to start. It's. A. Lot. And honest-to-goodness, once you pull out meetings, classes, and of course lunch out, we were left with one day to get ready in our classrooms - which was spent just getting ready for open house, no classroom organizing, cleaning, or planning got done. And every day I brought work home with me too. I even ended up staying till 6:30 three nights... and I was doing so good getting family dinners ready before that too! But we are not late eaters so that went out the window - and with it, my energy, at least on Thursday. I laid on the couch when I got home, and didn't move until bedtime. I'm predicting a repeat of that a few times in the coming week. 
I'm writing this Sunday night, procrastinating my first-day planning that I have to do still. I'm pretty much doing everything on my list before school planning. I don't want to think about it as long as possible. 

I don't have any pictures from the week - but we did go to the Western Idaho Fair on the weekend...

We went with our friends - the kids each had a lunch, a treat, a game, and a ride - and then we were broke. The fair is expensive y'all! It was also blazing hot - as per usual. This is why the last time we went was when Liam was an infant. 

We all gained a new appreciation for Disneyland, and how not overpriced it actually is compared to something like this. But we did have fun, it was a memorable experience I'm sure, and the kids loved seeing all the animals especially.

We were so hot, sweaty, and dusty that we went for a swim straight away, and then were pretty exhausted and to bed early. 
Sunday, I finally realized that I didn't just have to "clean the bathroom, and a few school things"... it was that times 20. I had a mini-melt down at church. My sweet in-laws, and mom, and husband, even the kids, all pitched in to make sure all the chores were done around here so I could focus on school-work and not worry so much. What a blessing. My house is spic-and-span, and in that regard at least, I feel ready for the week. I feel so much better when I can come home to a clean house after work. 
We even squeezed in a game of Monopoly - Liam's new favorite, and one he had been asking me to play since last Sunday, and every day there had just not been any time. So he was a happy guy when we finally sat down to play - he even won the game.

Liam seems pretty nonchalant about this whole back-to-school thing, I'm taking that as a good sign. Right? We shall see. First days are so exhausting, and my voice is usually gone, so I'm not super pumped, but I am curious to see how this class turns out as a group - there are some interesting kiddos this year. Here we go!
Oh, also, can you even believe it will be September this time next week?!


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