The week: April 25-May 1

Happy May!!! Only 15 work days until Summer - crazy right?!
Last week was both long and so so short! I guess the being at work part felt long, because when I was there it was lots of sitting and writing sub plans, lots of checking copies, lots of making lists for when I wasn't at work. But the rest of it was gone in a flash. I hardly remember anything beyond the weekend! 
The most exciting part of the week was the Disneyland Countdown Calendar that magically appeared on our mantle Tuesday morning. How awkward do my children look?!

I couldn't top our surprise vacation from last year, but I wanted to make this one a little extra special so I set up a countdown that includes a treat or activity... kind of like an advent calendar. So one day the kids got to pick out a car-snack that had to say Disney on it, then there was a penny/quarter coin hunt for the penny press machines at Disneyland, we had a family coloring contest (everybody won), and a family movie night with popcorn (Tangled), the kids got to pick out some new shirts to wear at Disneyland, and Todd made them Mickey pancakes Sunday morning. They are so pumped to go open a new card in the morning... the weirdest thing is that there are 5 more to open!!! (5 till we leave, 7 till the race)

I told myself I was going to stay home all weekend and get things done and start packing - buuuuut the call of doughnuts, coffee, and the farmer's market were too strong. This cold brew doughnut is my new fav. We ended up having a pretty great day though, including free Chick-fil-a lunch for us all!

The wind finally stopped on Sunday and the sun came back to us after being gone all last week. With the sunshine came my energy and so it was a very productive day - for all of us - and somehow it just seemed to go on and on until I basically got everything done AND got in bed earlier than usual!

I'm going to try to get extra sleep this week, be as healthy as I can, and get some extra sunshine when possible. Liam and my field trip is tomorrow, and it's supposed to be 79 and sunny, so that should be a good start! I'm also trying to be super organized and get something done every day this weekend toward being ready to go so that come Thursday night I'm not a basketcase, and Friday at work I'm not a witch (we are leaving at like 3:30 on Friday right after work.) After last week's worth of runs I'm still not feeling very confident, but I'm getting lots of great pep talks, and hopefully some prayers too!


  1. oh yes- your momma is praying!

  2. Your Aunt Tessa is praying too.


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