Maui: Sunrise & Sunset

Ok - so I realize we've been back for 2 weeks and I'm only just now getting around to sharing some pictures... sorry!!! I think I have about 700 of them to go through, so it's a little overwhelming and I really am not sure the best way to do this. So - after looking through them I realized I can't go day by day, and I'm not one of those people that can just pick my top 10 pictures from a whole long trip - so I'm going to put them in categories, thus why today is "sunrise and sunset". There you have it. It's a mix of my nice camera and my phone camera. I'll try to share some stories too, each day. 
We flew in on the 4th of July, arrived at about 11:20 am, which meant we had almost the whole day! We unpacked quickly and headed out to explore the property and the beaches of course! The kids were in 7th heaven... well until we left the beach but the beach didn't leave us - Carolina didn't like that so much, she got used to it quickly though. We had no food since Costco was closed for the holiday, so we went into Lahaina and had our first meal at Cheeseburger in Paradise, delicious. It was bedtime by Idaho standards and we had been up since 4 am so there were some minor meltdowns happening, but it was an exciting day over all.

look at that moon!

dinner date on the beach with some fish takeout


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