Six Surprise Summer Vacation - Day 2

Well my intentions to blog during the vacation didn't last very long! Once we got to Disney there just wasn't time!

So Day 2 - Liam was expecting us to stay for several days, but after having an insanely huge and delicious breakfast and Hash House a Go-Go we packed up and gave them their next envelope... my favorite one...

It's a pretty quick drive from LV to Anaheim, we got there in time for lunch - Tangaroa Terrace, on Disneyland Hotel property and overlooking their pool which is pretty epic - and to do some shopping and looking around Downtown Disney before mom and dad arrived, which led to the next envelope...

I feel as though the videos aren't capturing their excitement very well - but they were, they just aren't the jump up-and-down kind. We had saved shopping in the World of Disney store and checking out the Grand Californian for when they got there, so we did that and since it was blazing hot out and  there were some things to do to get ready for the next day, we went back to our room and got settled (have to pick out clothes, snacks, and pack the backpack to be ready for an early morning) - then we walked back over to Downtown Disney and ate a fancy and delicious meal at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen
Over all my thoughts about Vegas are that I wouldn't take the kids back again - although it was far less crowded and crazy than last October when we took them - Liam's just getting old enough to see things I don't want him to see. It led to some interesting talks and teaching moments, but yeh. Overall our Downtown Disney experience was a good one, other than the heat, I could've used a few more hours.. and maybe a room at a Disney property hotel ;)


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