Summer Goals Results

Here is how I did on my Summer 2014 Goals:

House Goals: 
  • Re-do Carolina's room - YES!
  • Re-arrange "entertainment" areas - YES!
  • Organize and re-arrange kid's play area - YES! for the most part, I wasn't able to purchase new toy storage, but it works better, maybe some new storage next year
  • Kitchen - NOPE, not a thing was done, it still could though...
Family Goals:
  • Read with both kids every day - SOMEWHAT, just didn't happen every day.. I should never make "every day" a thing
  • Bake together once a week - SOMEWHAT, we came close, but with the whole trying to "eat less sugar" thing (see below), it wasn't a weekly priority
  • Do an art/craft once a week - NOPE, we seriously didn't do any crafts... every now and then I pulled out the paints and playdough. I'm lame.
  • Plan a playdate with friends once a week - SOMEWHAT, about every other week, but we were busy enough with the pool and grandparents... maybe grandparents should've counted!
  • Start a "homework" time for Liam every day - YES! We totally did this
  • Have a one-on-one "date" with each kid once a week (rotating) - NOPE, I had several 'dates' with Carolina because it seemed like I had her without Liam quite a bit, but I think had one (maybe?) with Liam.
  • Be more "in the moment" - I hate hate hate to admit it, but nope. I kept myself so busy, there weren't very many times when I was just there for them, or when I could just drop what I was doing. It makes me sad. But the more I think about it, it was just me and them. And even though I was very busy, I was watching them and talking to them and with them. I think I just wish I had let myself relax and spend more one-on-one time.
Personal Goals: 
  • Exercise more  NOPE, only in the pool... after July hit it was just too hot for me to want to do anything else.
  • Eat less sugar - YES! I didn't cut out all sugar, but other than special days, I was able to knock it all out but one small dessert a day.
  • Sew something - YES! But it was only one thing, the little pillow for Carolina's room, and that took me 15 minutes. So I kind of see this one as a NOPE because I really wanted to do more.
  • Read more than 1 book - YES! It was 3 books, but again.. I wanted it to be more, so I feel like I didn't quite succeed.
  • Catch up on blog "work" - YES! I cranked out a bunch of BID blog work the first month and then it kind of petered out for one reason or another... but I'm counting it! And you know I've been on here almost everyday, which I'm kind of proud of :)
  • Spend less time on the internet - NOPE, I really really want to work on this one.. obviously I'll have to be on the internet less because I will be at work, but I also want to be on it less at home since I'll only have 4ish hours at home with the kids every day.
  • Need less / Spend less / Save more - NOPE :(

I feel like maybe this isn't the smartest exercise, being critical of myself, but it's also good to see what goals I didn't accomplish and re-evaluate if they are still important goals to me and what I can do to reach them and for when I look back at them next summer! 


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