Carolina: 18 Months

Licking the muffin first.
Oh my goodness, this child changes so much, so fast - I have to look at my past posts to see where I left off on updates, it feels like I have a lot to catch-up on. I wish I could remember more, but truthfully my parents are better at remembering the funny stories and things she says. I should have them write one of these days!
First and foremost at the moment is her temperament. We always kind of could tell she'd be more strong-willed than Liam, but now at this year-and-a-half stage, it's shall we say... less-than-peachy. I remembered my favorite stage with Liam being right around 1 year, he was an angel. And my least favorite stage on record as 18 months. Crank-city. "No" = favorite word. Picky eater/pacifier addicted/fussy fussy fussy. I know kids are different but I "prepared" for Carolina being the same way (thus no summer vacation plans), and as it turns out she's the same... only a little worse. Now it's funny because when she's being sweet, she's being soooooooooo sweet. The happiest little "Hi Mama! Hi Ee-um! Hi Dada!" in the mornings, but in a matter of minutes she can be telling you no and pushing you away, then shrieking at the top of her lungs because she wants her milk, like, yesterday.
Taking a big ol' chomp.
Oh what a handful. But then last night, while I was getting her ready for bed she was talking to her dad, telling him a convincing string of unintelligible things (which may have actually meant something), but then at the end of each "sentence" she would make up different a funny word/sound, Todd repeat it and laugh. Each sentence follwing would end with a funnier word/sound until we all, Carolina included, were laughing hysterically. She would try to start a new sentence and break into giggles before she even got to the end, which made us laugh even harder. I'm probably not describing the situation well - but trust me, it was hilarious, and cute, and smart, and precious - and maybe the most fun moment we've had with her to date.
She really is SO so smart. Liam's language wasn't nearly this advanced at this age - although girls do mature faster than boys, but seriously I don't think I could ask Liam a specific question like "What hurts on your body?" and have him tell me "ear" and then have him to point to which one; or give him a choice between two options, or have kind of actual conversations with him. Carolina speaks in broken, but complete sentences (the made up word ones are just to be silly). She can tell me, "Dada an Ee-um, paying hi-Pad, bad guys" (some iPad game that the boys like to play, don't worry it's not scary or anything). She understands what we're saying when Todd and I are talking to each other, and remembers everything too.
Yep, she likes it.
As far as physical changes, there haven't been too many major changes - she's still in the 20-22 lb. range, and she still wears a size 3 shoe (like for the last 6 months!), although she's hopefully just about out of them so I'm buying 4s just because. Her feet are small, and especially narrow - most kids are in size 5 by now. So size 5 is really when you can buy all the cute shoes for little girls, and they all have hard soles. I have a hard time finding shoes for her that don't fall off her feet, and have hard soles, cause that girl wants to walk and run everywhere! It's kind of frustrating. The other change is not that her waist is getting any bigger (still a 12 month size in pants), but her legs are definitely getting longer. So even though she still can't wear some of her 18 month pants because the waist is so big they fall down, she's already outgrowing the length of them. Leggings fit her best, except they are getting kind of short - which will be fine as soon as it warms up PLEASE! For tops, some 12 month things still fit fine (as long as is a short sleeve/sleeveless top), but mostly she is in 18-24 size tops. Ummm let's see, her hair has grown a lot all of a sudden, and there's definitely enough to get it in a pony or piggy tails, but if we get in the car she pulls them right out. But the biggest physical change is that she has 2 more teeth! Hooray - we just discovered them this weekend actually! Until now we thought she still only had the 2 top and 2 bottom, but during a screaming fit I saw a molar back in her mouth and prodded around to make sure; then Todd spotted the third tooth in the top row, and I'm pretty sure I can see the one on the other side about ready to pop through as well. So maybe we can't blame her for her crankiness after all!
Looking for the next tasty spot.
I haven't had her 18 month check up yet because the kids' doctor moved, and I'm putting it off finding a new one until summer break. I'll be interested to hear what her stats are, and get the doctor's input on her feet, she's a little pigeon toed :)
She still eats well most of the time, she's starting to get a little picky, but she'll usually try everything once. At this point with Liam, he was already a goner as far as eating new foods went - so I'm feeling positive about that. She loooves her dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese. And looooves her snacks: dried fruit, goldfish, yogurt bites. She typically gets done with her dinner and then asks for a snack immediately. She's getting pretty good at using utensils now too, but she makes such a mess I don't really love letting her use them. Sometimes I think she makes a mess on purpose just to get a bath - she's a total water baby. I can't wait to see her in the pool this summer.
She's down to one nap already (she needs far less sleep than Liam needed), which is running around 2 hours lately. And then she's pretty much ready for bed around 7:30, and sometimes asks for it. She goes back and forth between wanting to sleep in until 8am, or waking up at like 6:30. Either way, it's tough.
Wondering why I'm taking pictures of this.
As far as toys go, she likes her baby dolls, and shopping cart, but can't live without her bunny (might have to buy a back-up!). She enjoys being read to, but would rather have the iPad to explore on. Her grandparents are her favorite people, and probably her dad and brother are on her least-favorite list right now. Poor Todd, he tries so hard, but she just acts like a snotty girl to him most of the time. Liam loves her, but he bugs her (sometimes on purpose) and she screams her head off at him - which I can't take and they both end up with lots of time-outs. Ugh, the screaming.
I'm really hoping in the next month (well 38 days to be exact) she mellows out, and we can put a lid on the screaming because I will lose my mind staying home all day with that craziness. But, of course I also can't wait until I can stay home with them all day and enjoy life with this while they're this age. I had a moment of near panic the other day, when I was holding Liam pretending he was a baby, and I realized just how big - huge - he was, and it struck me how not far away his babyhood felt, but how far far away it appeared. I about had a sobbing melt-down right then and there. Re-living it right now makes me choke up, truly. He was/is my baby, but he really really isn't and I don't know. I don't think I'm making sense, but probably all of you parents get what I'm trying to say. It feels like a tragedy, him growing up. Although I'm working it, I guess I will probably never feel like I soaked enough of his childhood in. That's one reason why I'm so glad I've had this blog which has given me a reason to take so many pictures and write down so many memories, to have forever. And you better believe that by now I really am crying. I didn't mean for this post to end this way, I know the whole thing is a long, rambling mess - but it feels sort of reflective of life at the moment. Unorganized chaos ;)
Maybe I'll get around to editing it later, or maybe I'll help Liam build with his Legos or help Lina swaddle her babies (so she can hug them and then say "Ok, go!" and throw them). Good or not-so-great, I love her to pieces and wouldn't want her any other way. I'm loving watching her grow, but not too fast, and just very happy that I get to be her mom :)
My brown-eyed girl.


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