Baby Update Bummer

My 37 week appointment was yesterday - and I did not get the promising report that I did last time (although, what good did it do me?). As far as stats go everything is still on track - baby is likely just over 6 lbs. and almost 20 inches long - and full term, heart beat is perfect, and she is moving constantly. I have had a few contractions lately, probably Braxton Hicks, because they went away rather quickly and weren't very consistent, but I am dilated to a 3 now, and the baby was about 3 or 4 cm lower than before. She was also perfectly lined up to deliver, which is good to hear after last week. However, for some reason, the doc said she guessed I'd be pregnant another ten days. Um, TEN days?! What happened to "any day now"?? I know that this doesn't necessarily mean anything, she could come tomorrow or wait 3 more weeks and we have to induce... but still hearing TEN MORE DAYS is very disappointing and frustrating and unmotivating (as in - "Oh, I have ten more days to get _____ done, I don't need to do it today."). Blehhh - I could be a total Whiney-Whinerson right now and give you a long laundry list of why "10 days" is so inconveneient for me, but I'll just stick to one: not only do I run my stomach into things/people constantly, but my students run into it too! No matter what doc says, I'm still really pulling for this weekend - going to eat some spicy Mexican food and get a foot massage, maybe walk if I can stand it, and see if that does anything.
In Liam news, he seems to be in a better mood these last couple of days - in fact today I told him "no" twice today and there wasn't even a single whimper out of him. Maybe the cycle is being broken? I was also all prepared to tell you that he's adjusted to his new bed, but then he fell out again last night. It had been a good week and a half or 2 weeks without that though - and thankfully he didn't hit his head like last time. He does go right to sleep now, no playing around with his (non-wax) Scentsy and monitor anymore. His current favorite thing (well this is his favorite thing anyways) is working in the garden with Papa, but it's especially fun now because there are so many things to pick and eat - apples, grapes, tomatoes, etc. - he could do it all day. We are looking forward to some cooler weather, in the 70's this weekend and next week - I may be able to actually stand taking Liam outside to play!


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