So far, SO good!

What a great weekend so far! Yesterday after Todd came home we went to Target to get Liam a jumper, since we decided he was bored with his other toys and would enjoy something that helped him sit/stand up. It felt like Christmas with Liam in his p.j.'s and Todd putting together a hundred pieces :-) Then today we had lovely weather for starters, I went to coffee with a friend, saw Star Trek with Todd (awesome btw!!), and did dinner & playground with the Spragues. Liam had his first experience in the big swings (thrilled) and the slide (underwhelmed) - he was totally wiped out after all the fun and fell asleep on the way home. I took a ton of cute pictures and videos.
A couple of new things for Liam this week are: reverse crawling (laying on his back and scooting himself around), seeing something and grabbing it intentionally, bringing his hands together, NO NIGHT TIME FEEDING (hopefully not a one time deal)!
See why I can't wait for Friday to come?!
look ma, i'm standing

can't take the cuteness


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